Babbacombe Corinthian Sailing Club, UK |
Yacht Club, AZ, US |
Babylon Yacht Club, NY, US |
Back Creek Yacht Club, MD, US |
Bahia Cabrillo Yacht Club, CA, US |
Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club, CA, US |
Bahia Redonda
Yacht Club, Venezuela |
Bahrain Yacht Club, Bahrain |

Harbor Yacht Club, WI, US |
Bal Harbour Yacht Club, TX US |

Bala Sailing Club, UK |
Balboa Basin Yacht Club, CA, US |
Balboa Island Yacht Club, CA, US |
Sail & Power Squadron, CA, US |
Balboa Yacht Club, CA, US |
Balboa Yacht Club, Panama |
Saltwater Flushing Bags
Flush Outboard Motor Saltwater |
Bald Eagle Power Squadron, PA, US |
Bald Head Island Yacht Club, NC, US |
Yacht club, CT, US |
Baldwin Harbor Yacht Club, NY, US |

Baldwin Yacht Club, CT, US |
Ballena Bay Yacht Club, CA, US |
Ballyholme Yacht Club, UK |

Balmain Sailing Club, Australia |

Lake Yacht Club,
WI, US |
Baltimore City Yacht Association, MD, US |
Baltimore Downtown Sailing
Center, MD, US |
Baltimore County Sailing Center,
MD, US |
Baltimore Cruising Club, MD, US |
Baltimore Sailing Club, Ireland |
Baltimore Yacht Club, MD, US |

Baltischen Segler-Verinigung, Germany |
Banana River Power Squadron, FL, US |

Banbury Sailing Club, UK |
Banjer Motorsailer Club, Holland |

Banks Peninsula Cruising Club, Founded 1932, Now
Naval Point Club Lyttelton |

Cruising Club, West Indies |
Barbados Yacht Club, West Indies |

Barbary Coast Boating Club, CA, US |

Barcelona, Real Club Maritim de, Spain |
Barcelona, Real Club Nautico de, Spain |
Bare Cove Power Squadron, MA, US |
Barefoot Sailing Club, GA, US |
Bark Shanty Sail Club, MI, US |
Barnegat Bay Power Squadron, NJ, US |
Barnegat Bay Sail Club, NJ, US |
Barnegat Bay Yacht Racing Association, NJ, US |
Barnegat Light Yacht Club, NJ, US |

Barnstable Yacht Club, MA, US |
Barrachois Harbour Yacht Club, NS, Canada |
Barrie Yacht Club, ON, Canada |
Barrington Yacht Club, RI, US |
Barry Yacht Club, UK |
Bass Haven Yacht Club,
MA, US |
Bass River Yacht Club, MA, US Founded 1896 |

Bassenthwaite Sailing Club, UK |
Bates College Sailing Team ME, US |
Bay Area Association of Disabled Sailors, CA, US |
Bay Area Multihull Association, CA, US |
Bay City Yacht Club, MI, US |

Bay Head Yacht Club, NJ, US Founded 1888 |
Bay of Islands Yacht Club, New Zealand |
Bay Of Quinte Yacht Club, Canada, Founded 1876 |
Bay Point Yacht Club, FL, US |
Bay Point Yacht Club, OH, US |
BayPort Yacht Club, FL, US |
Bay Region Mariners Sailing Association, MD, US |
Bay Shore Yacht Club, NY, US |

Bay View Boat Club of San Francisco, CA, US |
Bay View Yacht Club, OH, US |
Bay-Waveland Yacht Club, MS, US Founded 1896 |
Bay Yacht Club, TX, US |
Bayberry Yacht Club, NY, US |
Bayboro Yacht Club, FL, US |
Bayerische Yacht Club, Germany |
Bayfield Yacht Club, Canada |
Bayfield Yacht Club, WI, US |
Bayliner Owners Club, FL, US |
Bayonet Point Yacht Club, FL, US |

Bayrische Seglervereinigung Ammersee, Germany |
Bayshore Yacht Club, MI, US |
Bayside Yacht Club, NY, US |
Bayview Boat Club, TX, US |
Bayview Yacht Club, Detroit, MI, US |

Bayview Yacht Racing Association, Australia |