Coast Sailing Club Noordwijk, Netherlands |
Coast Survey, NOAA
Library, MD, US |
Coasters Harbor Navy Yacht Club, RI, US |
Coastside Fishing Club, CA, US |
Cobourg Yacht Club, Canada |

Cockle Island Boat Club, N. Ireland, UK |
Cocoa Beach Power Squadron, FL, US |
Coconut Grove Sailing Club, FL, US |
Cohasset Sailing Club, MA, US |
Cohasset Yacht Club, MA, US |
Cold Lake Yacht Club, Canada |
Cold Spring Boat Club, NY, US |
Cold Spring Harbor Beach Club, NY, US |
Coldham Hall Sailing Club, UK |
Coleraine Yacht Club, N. Ireland, UK |
College of Marin, Sailing Club, CA, US |
College of William & Mary Sailing Team,
VA, US |
College Point Yacht Club, NY, US |
Collins Bay Yacht Club, ONT, Canada |
Colonial Yacht Club, MD, US |
Colorado Sail & Yacht Club, CO, US |
Columbia Basin Sailing Club, WA, US |
Columbia Corinthian Sailing Club, MD, US |
Columbia Point Yacht Club, WA, US |
Columbia River All Catalina Association, OR, US |
Columbia River Yacht Club, OR, US |
Columbia River Yachting Association, OR, US |
Columbia Sailing Association, PA, US |
Columbia Sailing Club, SC, US |
Columbia University Sailing Team, NY, US |
Columbia Yacht Club, IL, US, Founded 1892 |
Columbia Yacht Club, MA, US |
Columbia Yacht Club, NY, US |
Columbia Yacht Club, PA, US |
Columbus Power Squadron, OH, US |
Columbus Yacht Club, PA, US |
Comisión de Regatas de la Escuela Naval Militar de Marín, Spain |
Commodore Perry Yacht Club,
PA, US |
Commodore Yacht Club, TN, US |
Commodores Yacht Club, MO, US |

Club of Cache Valley, UT, US |
Comox Valley Yacht Club, BC, Canada |
Compagnia Della Vela, Venice, Italy |
Compass Rose Cruising Club, OR, US |
Con Trios Yacht Club, MN, US |

Conanicut Yacht Club, RI, US, Established 1892 |
Conch Cruisers Sailing Club, US |
Concord & Ryde Sailing Club, Australia |
Concord Yacht Club, TN, US |
Coniston Sailing Club, UK |

Connell's Point Sailing Club, Australia |
Conroe Yacht Club, TX, US |
Constitution Yacht Club, MA, US |
Convair Sailing Club, CA, US |
Conway Yacht Club, Wales, UK |
Saltwater Flushing Bags
Flush Outboard
Motors |
Cruising Club, UK |

Yacht Club, UK |
Cooley Canal Yacht Club, OH, US |

Island Yacht Club, WA. US |
Cooper River Yacht Club, NJ, US |
Coos Bay Power Squadron, OR, US |
Bay Yacht Club, US Virbin Islands |
Coral Reef Yacht Club, FL, US |
Coral Ridge Power Squadron, FL. US |
Coral Ridge Yacht Club, FL, US |
Corinthian Sailing Association, Lake Pontchartrain, LA, US |

Corinthian Sailing Club, Dallas, TX, US |
Corinthian Yacht Club, Marblehead, MA, US, Founded 1885 |
Corinthian Yacht Club, Maryland, MD, US |
Corinthian Yacht Club, Philadelphia, PA, US, Founded 1892 |
Corinthian Yacht Club of Cape May, NJ, US |
Corinthian Yacht Club of San Francisco, CA, US, Founded 1886 |
Corinthian Yacht Club of Seattle, WA, US |
Corinthian Yacht Club of Tacoma, WA, US |
Coronado Cays Yacht Club, CA, US |
Coronado Yacht Club, CA, US |
Corpus Christy Power Squadron, TX, US |
Corpus Christi Yacht Club, TX, US |
Corsair Yacht Club, CA, US |
Corsica River Yacht Club, MD, US |
Cortez Racing Association, CA, US |
Costa de Oro Power Squadron, CA, US |
Cotati Yacht Club, CA, US |
Cottage Park Yacht Club, MA, US |
County Antrim Yacht Club, N. Ireland, UK |
Cove Sailing Club, Ireland |
Covina Power Squadron, CA, US |
Cowan Lake Sailing Association, OH, US |
Cowes Corinthian Yacht Club, UK |
Coyote Point Yacht Club, CA, US |
Crab Orchard Lake Sailing Association, IL, US |
Cramond Boat Club, Scotland, UK |
Cranes Creek Harbor Yacht Club, VA, US |
Crawley Mariners Yacht Club, UK |
City Yacht Club, FL, US |

Crescent Yacht Club, MA, US |
Crescent Yacht Club, MD, US |
Crescent Yacht Club, NY, US |
Crescent Sail Yacht Club, MI, US |
Cresthaven Yacht Club, NY, US |
Crew's Nest Boating Club, OH, US |
Cromarty Boat Club, UK |
Cronulla Sailing Club, Australia |
Crooked Lake Yacht Club, MI, US |

Crosby Sailing Club, UK |
Cross County Power Squadron, NY, US |
Croton Yacht Club, NY, US |
Crouch Yacht Club, Essex, UK |
Cruiser Haven Yacht Club, CA, US |
Cruising Assocation, UK |
Cruising Club de Suisse, Switzerland |
Cruising Club of America, US |
Cruising Club of Cape Cod MA, US |
Cruising Club of Virginia, VA, US |
Cruising Yacht Club Of Australia, Australia |
Cruising Yacht Club Hamilton
Island, Australia |

Cruising Yacht Club of Labuan, Malaysia |

Cruising Yacht Club Of South Australia, Australia |
Crystal Bay Cove, NV, US |
Crystal Lake Yacht Club, MI, US |

Crystal River Power Squadron, FL, US |
Crystal Sailing Club, MI, US |
Cullaun Sailing Club, Ireland |
Cushendall Sailing & Boating Club, N. Ireland, UK |
Cutler Cove Power Squadron, FL, US |
Cypress Landing Yacht Club, NC, US |
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