Ao Chalong Yacht Club,
Phuket, Thailand |
AOKI Sailing Club, Japan |
Apalachee Bay Yacht Club, FL, US |
Apollo Beach Sail & Power Squadron, FL, US |
Appleton Yacht
Club, WI, US |
Apostle Islands Yacht Club, WI, US |

Aquarius Sailing Club, UK |
Aquatic Park Sailing Club,
ON, Canada |
Aquia Harbor Yacht Club, VA, US |
Arbon Yacht Club, Switzerland |
Ardleigh Sailing Club, Essex, UK |
Arecibo Power Squadron, PR, US |
Arenals Club Nautico, Spain |
Arendals Seilforening, Norway |
Arisaig Regatta, Association, UK |
Arizona Yacht Club, AZ, US |
Arlington Yacht Club FL, US |
Arlington Yacht Club, TX, US |
Yacht Club WA, US |
Armdale Yacht Club, Canada |
Arrow Yacht Club, NY, US |

Arrowhead Power Squadron, CA, US |
Arrowhead Yacht Club, OK, US |
Arun Yacht Club, UK |
Arundel Yacht Club, ME, US |
ASC Hamburg TU e.V., Germany |
Ascona Yacht Club, Switzerland |
Ashbridges Bay Yacht Club, Canada |

Ashdown Sailing Club, UK |
Ashtabula Power Squadron, OH, US |
Ashtabula Yacht Club, OH, US |

Aspen Yacht Club, CO, US |
Associacao Nautica do Seixal, Portugal |
Associacao Naval de
Lisboa, Portugal |
AUBBRI - Association des Usagers de la Baie de Brignogan-Plages, France |
Association of Orange County Yacht Clubs, CA, US |
Saltwater Flushing Bags
Flush Outboard Motor Saltwater |
Association Santa Monica Bay Yacht Clubs, CA, US |
Association San Pedro Bay Yacht Clubs, CA, US |
Astoria Yacht Club, OR,
US |
Athens Yacht Racing Club , Greece |
Atlanta Athletic Club Yacht Club, GA, US |
Atlanta Inland Sailing Club, GA, US |
Atlanta Sail & Power Squadron, GA, US |
Atlanta Yacht Club, GA, US |
Atlantic Highlands Yacht Club, NJ, US |
Atlantis Yacht Club, NJ, US |
Attenborough Sailing Club, UK |
Attleboro Sail & Power Squadron, MA, US |

Atwood Yacht Club, OH, US |
Au Gres Yacht Club, MI, US |
Auburn Power Squadron, NY, US |

Auckland Yacht Club, New Zealand |

Augsburger Segler-Club e.V. Utting, Germany |
Augusta Sailing Club, GA, US |
Austin Power Squadron, TX, US |
Austin Yacht Club, TX, US |
Australian Historical Sailing Skiff Association, Australia |
Australian National University Sailing Club, Australia |
Australian Sailing Cruising Club, Australia |
Austrian Sailing Federation, Austria |

Australian Yacht Club, Australia |
Australian Yacht Squadron,
Australia |
Avalon Sailing Club, Australia |
Avalon Yacht Club, NJ, US |

Avon Sailing Club, UK |
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