D Dock Social Club, GA, US |
Dagmars Yacht Club, WA, US |
Dahlgren Yacht Club, VA, US |
Daingerfield Island Sailing Club, VA, US |
Dalgety Bay Sailing Club, Scotland, UK |
Dalhousie Yacht Club, Canada |
Dallas Corinthian Yacht Club, TX, US |
Dallas Sail & Power Squadron, TX, US |
Dallas Yacht Club, TX, US |
The Dales Yacht Club, OR, US |
Dana Point Yacht Club, CA, US |
Dana West Yacht Club, CA, US |
Danversport Yacht Club Association, MA, US |
Darien Sail & Power Squadron, CT, US |
Dartmouth Sailing Club, MA, US |
Dartmouth Yacht Club, Nova Scotia, Canada |
Darwin Sailing Club, Australia |

Dataw Island Yacht
Club, SC, US |
Datchet Water Sailing Club, UK |
Davis Creek Yacht Club, MD, US |
Saltwater Flushing Bags
Flush Outboard
Motors |
Davis Island Yacht Club, FL, US |

Day Island Yacht Club, WA, US |
Dayton Power Squadron, OH, US |
Dayton Yacht Harbor, MT, US |
Daytona Beach Power Squadron, FL, US |
Dearborn Power Squadron, MI, US |

Deauville Yacht Club Normandy, France |
Deben Yacht Club, UK
Founded 1838 |
Debonport Yacht Club, NZ |
Decatur Power Squadron, IL, US |
Deception Pass Sail & Power Squadron, WA, US |
Dee Sailing Club, UK |
Deep Bay Yacht Club, BC, Canada |
Deep Cove Yacht Club, Canada |
Deep Creek Yacht Club, MD, US |
Deep Creek Yacht Club, NY, US |
Deep Creek Yacht Club at Turkey Neck,
MD, US |
Dejima Yacht Club, Sakai, Osaka Japan |
Del Norte Yacht & Rowing Club, CA, US |
Del Rey Yacht Club, CA, US |
Delavan Lake Yacht Club, WI, US |
Delaware River Power Squadron, PA, US |
Delaware River Yacht Club, PA, US
founded 1926 |
Delaware Valley Youth Boating Association, PA, US |
Delhigh Power Squadron, PA, US |

Dell Quay Sailing Club, UK |
Delph Sailing Club, UK |
Delray Beach Yacht Club, FL, US |
Delsea Power Squadron, NJ, US |

Delta Bayliner Club, CA, US |
Delta Marina, CA, US |
Delta Yacht Club, CA, US |
Demelin Yacht Club, Netherlands |

Deneysville Aquatic Club, South Africa |
Denver Sailing Association, CO, US |
Denver Sailing Club, UK |

Dering Harbor Yacht Club, NY, US |

Derwent Reservoir Sailing Club, UK |
Derwent Sailing Squadron, Australia |
Des Moines Yacht Club, WA, US |
Detroit Power Squadron, MI, US |
Detroit Regional Yacht-Racing Association, MI, US |
Detroit Yacht Club, MI, US Founded 1868 |
Devonport Yacht Club, New Zealand |
Dhekelia Sailing Club, Cyprus |
Diablo Sail & Power Squadron, CA US |
Diablo Sailing Club, CA, US |
Diablo Water Ski Club, CA, US |
Diablo Yacht Club, CA, US |
Diamond Lake Yacht Club, MI, US |

Diego Garcia Yacht Club, Chagos Archipelago, UK |
Dill Pickle Yacht Club, CA, US |
Dillon Yacht Club, CO, US |
Dinah Beach Cruising Yacht Association, Australia |

Dinard Yacht Club, France |
Dinghy Cruising Association, UK |
Discovery Bay Yacht Club, CA, US |
Discovery Bay Yacht Club, Hong Kong
District Yacht Club, DC, US |
Dixie Sailing Club, AL, US |
Dixon Boat & Fishing Club, CA, US |

Dobson Yacht Club, NS, Canada |

Dog Town Yacht Club, VA, US |
Dogpatch Yacht Club, HI, US |
Dolphin Club, CA, US |
Dolphin Yacht Club, MA, US |
Dolphin Yacht Club, WA, US |
Domino Yacht Club, NY, US |
Door County Sail & Power Squadron, WI, US |
Dorchester Yacht Club, MA, US |
Dorchester Sailing Club, UK |
Dos Rios Yacht Club, CA, US |

Doublehanded Sailing Association, MI, US |
Douglaston Yacht Squadron, NY, US |
Dovey Yacht Club, UK |

Down East Yacht Club, ME, US |
Dragon Class Association |
Draycote Water Sailing Club, UK |
Driftwood Yacht Club, CA, US |
Drummoyne Sailing Club, AU |
Dubai Offshore Sailing Club, United Arab Emirates |
Dublin Bay Sailing Club, Ireland Founded 1884 |
Duck Island Yacht Club, CT, US |
Dudley Sailing Club,
UK |
Duluth Power Squadron, MN, US |
Dundalk Sail & Power Squadron, MD, US |
Dunedin Boat Club, FL, US |
Dunkirk Yacht Club, NY, US |
DuPage Power Squadron, IL, US |
Radio Boat Club, South Africa |
Durham Sail & Power Squadron, NC, US |

Dusseldorf Yacht Club, Germany |
Duwamish Yacht Club, WA, US |

Duxbury Yacht Club, MA, US
Established 1875 |

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