Haarlemsche Jachtclub, The Netherlands |

Pre Castro

Post Castro |
Habana Yacht Club, Cuba
Founded 1886 |
Oxygen In A Can
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Hackensack Yacht Club, NJ, US |
Hagerstown Power Squadron, MD, US |

Sailing Club, PR China |
Hakata Yacht Club, Japan |

Halden Seilforening, Norway |
Half Moon Bay Yacht Club, CA, US |

Halfway Yacht Club, UK |
Saltwater Flushing Bags
Flush Outboard
Motors |
Halifax River Yacht Club, FL, US Founded 1896 |
Halifax Sailing
Association, FL, US |
Halifax Sailing Club, UK |
Halifax Youth Sailing,
FL. US |
Halloween Yacht Club, CT, US |
Hamburg Power Squadron, NY, US |
Hamburger Segel Club, Germany |
Hamble River Sailing Club, UK |
Hamilton Bay Sailing Club, Ont Canaada |

Hamilton Island Yacht Club, Australia |
Roads Fleet 30, VA, US |
Hampton Roads Power Squadron, VA, US |
Hampton Sailing Club, UK |
Hampton Yacht Club, VA, US |
Hanalei Yacht Club, HI, US |
Bay Yacht Club, HI, US |
Hances Point Yacht Club, MD, US |
Hancock Yacht Club,
NC, US |

Yacht Club, Norway |
Hannoverscher Yacht club, Germany |
Happy Hour Yacht Club, NJ, US |
Harbor Island Yacht Club, TN, US |

Harbor Lite Yacht Club, WI, US
Founded 1964 |
Harbor Light Yacht Club, PA, US |
Harbor Station Yacht Club, VA, US |
Harbor View Yacht Club, OH, US |
Harbor View Yacht
Club, CT, US |
Harbour Island Yacht Club, CA, US |
Harbour Isle Yacht
Club, FL, US |
Harbour North Yacht Club, MD, US
Harbour Town Yacht Club, MI, US |
Harbour Village Yacht
Club, NC, US |
Hardway Sailing Club, UK |
Harlan Yacht Club, NE, US |

Harlem Yacht Club, NY, US
Founded 1883 |
Harraseeket Yacht Club, ME, US |
Harris Chain Power Squadron, FL, US |
Harris Marina, Lake Chelan, WA, US |
Hartford Power Squadron, CT, US |
Hartley TS18-21 Yacht Club, AU |
Harvard Yacht Club, MA, US |
Harvey's Lake Yacht Club, PA, US |

Hastings & Leonards Sailing Club, UK |

Hastings Yacht Club, Australia |
Hat Island Yacht Club, WA, US |
Haugesund Seilforening, Norway |
Haven Ports Yacht Club, UK |
Haven Yacht Club, MD, US |
Havre de Grace Yacht Club, MD, US |
Hawaii Women's Yacht Racing Association, HI, US |
Hawaii Yacht Club, HI, US |
Hawaii Yacht Racing Association, HI, US |
Hawaii Youth Sailing Association, HI, US |
Hawkestone Yacht Club, ON, Canada |
Hayama Marina Yacht Club, Japan |
Hayden Island Yacht Club, OR, US |
Hayling Island Sailing Club, UK |
Head of the Bay Club, NY, US |
Healdsburg Yacht Club, CA US |

of England Offshore Cruising Association, UK |
Hebe Haven Yacht Club, Hong Kong, China. |
Helensburgh Sailing Club, UK |
Helford River Sailing Club, UK |
Hellenic Offshore Racing Club, Greece |
Hellerup Sejlklub, Denmark |
Helsingfors Segelklubb, Finland |
Helsingin Tyovaen Purseseura ry, Finland |
Helsingor Amator Sejlklub, Denmark |
International Yacht Club of Cuba, Cuba |
Hempstead Bay Power Squadron, NY, US |
Hempstead Harbour Club, NY, US Founded 1891 |
Henderson Harbor Yacht Club, NY, US |

Henley Sailing Club, UK Founded 1896 |
Herald Island Boat Club, New Zealand |
Heritage Harbor Yacht Club, IL, US |
Herne Bay Sailing Club, UK |
Herring Island Sailing Fleet MD, US |
Herrington Harbour Sailing Association, US |

Herrington Lake Yacht Club, KY, US |
Hewlett Point Yacht Club, NY, US |