International Burgee Registry
Registering your burgee in the International Burgee Registry is FREE
McCrae Yacht Club, Australia | |
Medford Boat Club, OR, US |
Mediterranean Yacht Club | |
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Medley Sailing Club, UK | |
Medway Cruising Club, UK | |
McCrae Yacht Club, Australia | |
Medford Boat Club, OR, US |
Mediterranean Yacht Club | |
Medley Sailing Club, UK | |
Medway Cruising Club, UK | |
Medway Yacht Club, UK Founded 1880 |
Meersburg Yacht Club, Germany | |
Melbourne Yacht Club, FL, US | |
Memphis Sail & Power Squadron, YN, US |
Memphis Yacht Club, TN, US |
Menashe Dock Association, WI | |
Menauhant Yacht Club, MA, US |
Memphremagog Yacht Club MC, Canada |
Mendota Yacht Club, WI, US |
Mengeham Rythe Sailing Club, UK |
Menno Haven Model Yacht Club, PA, US |
Menominee Marinette Power Squadron, WI, US |
Mentor Harbor Yachting Club, OH, US |
Mentor Lagoons Yacht Club, OH, US |
Mercury Bay Boat Club, New Zealand | |
Mere Point Yacht Club, ME, US |
Merioneth Yacht Club, UK |
Merrimac River Sail & Power Squadron, MA, US |
Saltwater Flushing Bags
Merthyr Tydfil Sailing Club, UK |
Metedeconk River Yacht Club, NJ, US |
Metropolitin Area Association of Dinghy Sailors | |
Metropolitan Yacht Club, CA, US |
Metropolitan Yacht Club, MA, US |
Meydenbauer Bay Yacht Club, WA, US | |
Miami Power Squadron, FL. US | |
Miami Beach Power Squadron, FL, US |
Miami University Sailing Club, OH, US |
Miami Yacht Club, FL, US |
Michigan City Power Squadron, IN, US |
Michigan City Yacht Club, IN, US |
Michigan State University Sailing Club, MI, US |
Michigan University Sailing Team, MI, US | |
Mid Coast Sail & Power Squadron, ME, US |
Mid Hudson Power Squadron, NY, US |
Mid Illini Power Squadron, IL, US |
Mid Ohio Valley Power Squadron, OH, US |
Mid Potomac Power Squadron, VA, US | |
Middle Bass Island Yacht Club, OH, US |
Middle Harbour Yacht Club, Australia |
Middle River Yacht Club, MD, US | |
Middleboro Yacht Club, MI, US | |
Middletown Power Squadron, CT, US |
Middletown Yacht Club, CT, US |
Midland Bay Sailing Club, ON, Canada |
Midland Sailing Club, UK | |
Mikkeli Yacht Club, Finland |
Miles River Sail & Power Squadron, MD, US |
Miles River Yacht Club, MD, US |
Milford Cruising Club, New Zealand |
Milford Power Squadron, CT, US |
Mill Creek Yacht & Polo Club, WA, US | |
Mill Harbor Yacht Club, ID, US | |
Milltown Sailing Association, US |
Milnerton Aquatic Club, South Africa |
Milwaukee Power Squadron, WI, US |
Milwaukee Yacht Club, WI, US Established 1870 |
Mimico Cruising Club, ON, Canada | |
Minnetonka Power Squadron, MN, US |
Minnetonka Yacht Club, MN, US Founded 1883 |
Minute Man Power Squadron, MA, US |
Miramar Yacht Club, NY, US |
Miss-Croix Yacht Club, MN, US |
Mission Bay Yacht Club, CA, US |
Mississippi Coast Power Squadron, MS, US |
Mississippi Coast Yachting Association MS, US | |
Mississauga Sailing Club, Canada | |
Missouri Yacht Club, MO, US |
Miyagawa Yacht Club, Japan |
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