International Burgee Registry


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PGIslanders Cruising Club, FL, US


Philadelphia Sailing Club, PA, US

Philadelphia Yacht Club, PA, US

Oxygen In A Can is the newest trend is Oxygen Party Bars.  Oxygen is now available for recreational use at affordable prices Click Here

Phoenix Power Squadron, AZ, US

PHRF Lake Ontario

Pickwick Sailing & Cruising Association, TN US

Pickwick Yacht Club, MS US

Pier 121 Yacht Club, TX, US

Pierless Yacht Club US


Pierpont Bay Yacht Club, CA, US

Pikes Bay Marina, WI, US

Pine Beach Yacht Club, NJ, US

Pine Bluff Power Squadron, AR, US

Pine Island Boat Club, FL, US

Pine Island Sailing Club, FL, US

Pine Island Yacht Club, MA, US

Pine Lake Yacht Club, WI, US

Pine Orchard Yacht & Country Club, CT, US

Piraeus Sailing Club, Greece

Pirates Of The Patapsco Yacht Club, MD, US

Pistakee Yacht Club, IL, US

Pittsburgh Power Squadron, PA, US

Saltwater Flushing Bags
Flush Outboard Motors

Pittsburg Yacht Club, CA, US

Platinum Point Yacht Club, FL, US
Pleasant Bay Village Resort, MA, US

Still Loading

Pleon Yacht Club, MA, US

Plymouth Yacht Club, MA, US
Founded 1890

Pohnpei Yacht Club, Micronesia

Point Breeze Yacht Club, NY, US

Point du Chene Yacht Club, Canada

Point Judith Yacht Club, RI, US

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Point Loma Yacht Club, CA, US

Point Lookout Yacht Club, NY, US

Point O'Woods Yacht Squadron, NY, US


Point Roberts Yacht Club, WA, US

Point San Pablo Yacht Club, CA, US

Point Yacht Club, South Africa
Founded 1892

Pointe Claire YC

Pointe Claire Yacht Club, Canada
Founded 1879

Polaris Sailing Society, CA, US

Polish Canadian Yacht Club, ONT Canada

Polish Sailing Club of Vancouver, BC, Canada

Polski Yacht Klub, Poland

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Polyteknisk Yacht Club, Denmark

Pompano Beach Power Squadron, FL, US

Pompano Beach Yacht Club, FL, US

Ponce de Leon Inlet Sail & Power Squadron, FL, US

Ponsonby Cruising Club, NZ

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Pontchartrain Yacht Club, LA, US

Ponus Yacht Club, CT, US

Poole Yacht Club, UK
Founded 1852

Popponesset Bay Yacht Club, MA

Poquoson Yacht Club, VA, US

Port Adelaide Sailing Club, Australia
Founded 1897

Port Angeles Yacht Club, WA, US

Port Arthur Yacht Club, TX, US

Port Chester Yacht Club, NY, US

Port Clinton Yacht Club, OH, US

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Port Credit Yacht Club, Canada

Port Dalrymple Yacht Club, Australia

Port Dover Yacht Club, ONT, CA

Port Edgar Yacht Club, UK

Port Elgin Yacht Club, ON, Canada

Port Hadlock Yacht Club, WA, US

Port Hope Yacht Club, ONT, Canada

Port Hudson Marina, FL. US

Port Huron Power Squadron, MI, US

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Port Huron Yacht Club, MI, US

Port Jefferson Yacht Club, NY, US

Port Lincoln

Port Lincoln Yacht Club, Australia

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Port Ludlow Yacht Club, WA, US

Port Madison Yacht Club, WA, US

Port Melbourne Yacht Club, Australia
Founded 1889

Port Of Washington Yacht Club, DC, US

Port of Yamba Yacht Club, NSW, AU

Port Orchard Yacht Club, WA, US


Port Royal Yacht Club, CA, US

Port St Lucie Power Squadron, FL, US

Port Stanley Sailing Squadron, Ont, Canada

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Port Townsend Yacht Club, WA, US

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Port Washington Yacht Club, NY, US

Port Washington

Port Washington Yacht Club, WI, US

Portage Yacht Club, MI, US

Portarlington Sailing Club, Ausrtalia

Portishead Cruising Club, UK


Portishead Yacht & Sailing Club, UK

Portland Power Squadron, OR, US

Portland Yacht Club, ME, US
Established 1868


Portland Yacht Club, OR, US

Portofino Harbor Marina & Yacht Club, TX, US


Portoroz Yacht Club,  Slovenia


Portosin Club Nautico, Spain


Portsmouth Boat Club, VA, US

Portsmouth Navy Yacht Club, NH, US

Portsmouth Power Squadron, NH, US

Portsmouth Yacht Club, NH, US
Founded 1898

Possenhofen Yacht Club, Germany

Possession Sound Power Squadron, WA, US

Possum Kingdom Yacht Club, TX, US

Potapskut Sailing Association, MD, US

Potomac River Power Squadron, MD, US

Potomac River Sailing Association, VA. US

Potomac River Yacht Clubs Association, MD, US

Potomac River Yacht Club, VA, US

Potomac Yacht Racing Club, VA, US

Potter Yachters, Northern California West Wight Potter Association, US

Poughkeepsie Yacht Club, NY, US

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Poulsbo Yacht Club, WA, US

Poverty Bay Power Squadron, WA, US

Powel River Yacht Club, BC, Canada

Power Squadron, District 32, US

Prairie Harbor Yacht Club, WI, US

Presidio Yacht Club, CA, US

Presque Isle Yacht Club, PA, US

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Pretoria Sailing Club, South Africa

Priest Lake Yacht Club, ID, US

Prince Edward Yacht Club, Canada

Prince George's Power Squadron, MD, US

Prince Rupert Yachting & Rowing Club, BC, Canada

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Prince William Yacht Club, VA, US

Princeton University Sailing Team, NJ, US

Princess Bay Boatmen's Association, NY, US

Privateer Yacht Club, TN, US

Provincetown Yacht Club, MA, US

Prospect Bay Yacht Club, MD, US

Puerto Galera Yacht Club, Philippines

Puget Sound Yacht Club, WA, US

Plutneyville Mariners SC

Pulyneyville Mariners Sailing Club, NY, US

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Pultneyville Yacht Club, NY, US

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Punta Ala Yacht Club, Italy

Punta Banda Yacht Club, BC, Mexico

Punta Faro Yacht Club, Itialy

Punta Gorda Boat Club, FL, US

PGSC Burgee

Punta Gorda Sailing Club, FL, US

Purpooduck Sailing Klub, ME, US

Put-in-Bay Yacht Club, OH, US
Founded 1886


Pwillheli Sailing Club, UK

Pyne Point Yacht Club, PA, US

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